Nursing RN-BSN Degree Online

Bachelor's Degree For Registered Nurses and Nursing Dual Enrollment Students

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing – RN–BSN (Registered Nurse Seeking Bachelor of Science in Nursing) program is designed for working ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) graduate Registered Nurses and as a dual enrollment program for eligible ADN students. You can complete this UNC program to earn your Nursing Bachelor of Science degree in just 20 months (or approximately seven months after completing your ADN program if you are a nursing dual enrollment student).

This online program is offered by the UNC School of Nursing through UNC Extended Campus. All RN-BSN applicants will need to be accepted into UNC and accepted into the program by the UNC School of Nursing.

Access to A Top Nursing School and Career Advancement

Each faculty member in this Nursing program is a Registered Nurse with practice, teaching and research experience. All faculty have advanced degrees in Nursing and many are certified in their specialty area. The UNC School of Nursing is approved by the Colorado State Board of Nursing and fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

BSN nurses gain access to additional roles and higher compensation in the healthcare setting. These roles include management, care coordination, case management, public health nursing and school nursing.

Three nurses sitting on a bench

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Delivered Fully Online

Nurses are able to work full time while completing the program. In addition to the coursework below, you will...

  • Attend a mandatory online orientation at the beginning of the program.
  • Complete 180 total practicum hours. The final 90 hours are completed during your final semester and will require a clinical preceptor at a facility, set up by you and faculty.

Required Courses (30 Credit Hours)

To see a typical list of courses by term, visit an example Current Students page for this program.

Dual enrollment pathway: the UNC Dual enrollment nursing program is a concurrent program; students take online courses at UNC while enrolled in an accredited ADN program. Most students take one online class at UNC in addition to their ADN courses, then continue with UNC after completion of their ADN program.

Additional Credits Required for UNC Graduation

  • 120 total credit hours are required for graduation from this UNC program. For full program requirement details, see the official program listing in the UNC Undergraduate Catalog.
  • Many of these credits may come from the courses you transfer as you apply. See the Eligibility & Transfer Credit tab for details about transferring your previous college credit.

Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) Coursework

UNC's Liberal Arts Curriculum provides students with a grounding in the liberal arts that is infused with critical and creative inquiry, and which also satisfies the six general education areas required for undergraduate degree programs at all public higher education institutions in the state of Colorado.

Many of these courses will potentially be fulfilled from your transferred credit.

View the current LAC requirements and policies. Course requirements by category (with links to list of eligible courses)  are available at the bottom of the page.

Please note additional LAC recommendations for this program: certain UNC LAC courses are also prerequisite for admission to this program, so you will have a portion of your LAC requirements fulfilled via those courses. These and other LAC courses may transfer in if taken as part of your ADN or diploma degree program. You can see the list of these courses in the Liberal Arts Curriculum section of the Degree Requirements.

Remaining Credits for Graduation

The remainder of your 120 total credit hours will be comprised of credits you take at UNC or elsewhere. Please also see the additional information in the Eligibility & Transfer Credit tab about articulation model credits and taking additional courses online.

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