Denver Center at Lowry – Faculty/Staff Information
The UNC Denver Center at Lowry is located in East Denver on the site of the former Lowry Air Force Base.
Faculty/Staff WiFi Directions
Devices vary in which fields they require and in what order, but the bullets below should cover most device processes (you may not require all of these items):
- Make sure WiFi is turned on, search for available networks and select: UNC-Enterprise
- If your device asks you to select a security type, choose "PEAP" as the EAP method, and "MSCHAPV2" as the Phase 2 authentication.
- If your device has a field for CA certificate, select "Do not validate" or "unspecified."
- Identity/Username and password are same as your Ursa credentials [first.last and Ursa password]. If your device has a field for "anonymous identity," leave it blank.
- If you are prompted to accept a security certificate, click what would be the "yes" answer: Accept / Connect / Trust / etc.
If you have trouble connecting, or wish to set Enterprise as an established network on your personal Windows machine while at the center or on campus, visit the UNC Wireless Networks help page (you may need to log-in with your Ursa credentials) or call 970-351-4357 for assistance.
Computer Lab and Printing
- Our computer lab is available upon request, if not reserved by a course (rare occurrences).
- Food and drink are not allowed in the lab. You may have food & drink in the regular classrooms.
- All the printing is done through the BearPrint printing system, same as the main campus. For assistance, check the binder in your computer lab. When printing, it will ask for your Ursa username and password.
- Every August, an $8 credit is put on your account for the academic year. If more money is needed, you can add funds to your account in the Financial/Billing section in Ursa. If a billing discrepancy occurs, please contact Technical Support.
Other Amenities
- Classroom equipment: TV/VCR, Elmo machines, laptops, and classroom projectors. You can use the projectors to display from our devices or your own computers/devices (adapters are available).
- Free parking!
- Access to public transportation within walking distance
- Kitchen with microwaves, refrigerator, and vending machines
- Student lounge with couches, chairs and a flat-screen TV
- Campus security is always available and can be reached at 303-419-5557
Home to the Center for Urban Education
The Denver Center at Lowry is also home to the UNC enter for Urban Education. Visit their site to learn more their bachelor's degree (with teaching licensure) options and their impact in the community.
The Lowry Area
Lowry is a residential/higher education area, which is the site of the former Lowry Field and Air Force Base in Denver, with nearby access to...
- Many restaurant options from fast food to casual dining
- Hotels and apartment/condo complexes
- Gas/convenience stores and groceries
- Parks, playgrounds and running trails
Our center is also just minutes away from the Cherry Creek area and 15-20 minutes from downtown Denver. Be sure to explore the area using the “Search nearby” function at the Google map link above.