Implemented Structured Literacy in the Classroom: Module 2

An Online Special Education Professional Renewal Course

This module is the second module on structured literacy. In this module, we will focus on elements related to the language comprehension side of the reading rope. We will discuss how these skills impact reading and identify strategies related to the subskills related to language comprehension.

Dates for current and upcoming course sections are noted in the Course Basics box on this page.

For this course, you will need to buy: Birsh, J. R. & Carreker, S.C. (2018). Multisensory teaching of basic language skills. Brookes Publishing Company. PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285. Grading is Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (aka Pass/Fail); 80% or higher is needed to receive a passing grade: Sample Syllabus

  • Eligibility


    Successful completion of Structured Literacy Module 1.

    Prerequisites require an instructor override. Please contact the instructor before registering to provide proof of completion of the prerequisite coursework. Other UNC staff are not able to assist with prerequisite overrides for registration.

    Graduate Students

    UNC Degree-Seeking Students

    Current UNC graduate students can register for this course.

    Non-Degree-Seeking Students

    Non-degree-seeking graduate status refers to a student who has earned at least a bachelor's degree and who either:

    • Has applied to UNC Graduate School and not yet been admitted or;
    • Wishes to take this graduate class but not pursue a degree.

    Please note, as a non-degree seeking student, you are not eligible for federal financial aid.

    Note: UNC student immunization policies will apply to your enrollment. See the current UNC vaccination policy and directions. If you enroll for a fully online course, please contact after your enrollment to request that the immunization requirement be removed.

    Undergraduate Students

    Juniors and seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher are permitted to take 500-level courses.

    Eligibility by State

    At this time, UNC can provide distance education to students from every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. UNC cannot provide distance education in American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.

    If this course involves any practica, internships, student teaching, healthcare clinicals or similar activities, please check the State Authorization (SARA) page for additional information on UNC’s ability to offer distance education tied to in-person activities completed across state lines.

  • Register

    Summer term CRN: 40568

    Fall term CRN: 14832

    Follow the instructions in the PDF below to register.

    • You will use the CRN (Course Registration Number) listed above when you register in Ursa.
    • Step 1 of this process can take up to 1-3 days turnaround time, so we recommend you start the process in advance of the "add/register by" deadline posted on this page.

    Directions for course registration and activation

  • Contact Us

    Jennifer Urbach

    UNC Extended Campus

  • Once You Register

    Dropping and Withdrawing

    If you wish to drop or withdraw from the course, you must do so on or before the deadline dates listed in the Course Basics box.

    • If you are registered for any other courses in the same academic term, you can drop or withdraw within your Ursa account.
    • If this is your only course this term, please contact the Office of the Registrar at or 970-351-4862.

    It is your responsibility to know the drop and withdrawal deadlines and procedures.

    Billing and Payment for Your Course

    Tuition for this course is listed in the Course Basics box on this page. Any course materials costs (textbooks, digital access, etc.) would be a separate or additional expense.

    Billing notification will be sent to your Bearmail (student email) account when your bill is ready. If you have not activated your Bearmail, directions are in the directions for course registration and activation.

    • Please pay your bill by the due date listed on your eBill to avoid service charges.
    • To view or pay your bill, log into Ursa and go to the Financial tab. You will not receive a bill in the mail; UNC has an eBill system.
    • Further instructions for finding and paying your bill are available on the UNC Bursar's website.