A Post-Master's Nursing Education Certificate Delivered Completely Online

This online Nursing Education Graduate Certificate can be taken as a standalone certificate by master’s- and doctorate-prepared nurses – or as an additional certificate for matriculated master’s and doctoral nursing students – who wish to augment their professional studies with advanced coursework in nursing education and academic roles.

You can complete the online courses in a year or less, while continuing your personal or professional obligations.

The Nursing Education Graduate Certificate accepts applications throughout the year, and you can begin the program at the start of any term.

Supports NLN Certified Nurse EducatorCM Preparation

Completing this UNC certificate will help you fulfill the education portion of the National League for Nursing's Option A pathway for the Certified Nurse Educator® designation. This pathway is particularly useful for nurses who do not yet have experience teaching in an academic school or nursing.

Whether or not you have previous experience in nursing education, the coursework in this certificate will prepare you to provide outstanding education to the next generation of nurses. If you are a nurse who wants to develop excellent teaching practices and achieve certification, enroll in our online program to learn from proven experts in the field.

Highly qualified nurse educators also have expanded opportunities for employment and schedule flexibility.

Nurse Educators are Critically Needed

According to AACN's Special Survey on Vacant Faculty Positions, as of October 2022 there were more than 2,166 faculty vacancies just among the 909 nursing schools who responded to the survey. This is up from 1,500 vacancies identified in 2016.

Institutions need qualified faculty to meet growing student demand.

Doctors and nurses observing a patient.

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This certificate is designed to provide master's and doctorate-prepared nurses with advanced knowledge in nursing education for academic or practice settings. The courses are all online.

Coursework (9 Credit Hours)

How long it takes to complete the certificate depends on your personal enrollment choices and the courses available each term. To establish the best course of study for your progress through the certificate, contact the Program Coordinator.

For an example of upcoming courses, visit the Current Students page for this program.

For full program requirement details, see the official program listing in the UNC Graduate Catalog.

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