The Biomedical Science MBS Master's Degree is an Online Academic Enhancement Program

The Biomedical Science MBS program has been designed to help you enhance your academic credentials and prepare for entrance to a health professional school or biomedical career. This one-year master's program will provide a foundation in biomedical coursework that underlies and supports medicine and therefore provides a strong framework for professional school curricula.

The online delivery of this program is simply an extension of the on-campus course delivery. Your UNC diploma and transcripts will not denote online delivery in any way, and the learning outcomes are the same for all MBS students. Our small student groups also mean you will receive strong personal support and advisement.

Preparation for Professional School or Biomedical Careers

The MBS program is appropriate for students considering a future in medicine, dentistry, pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicine or biomedical-related Ph.D. programs. A major goal of the program is to allow students a tangible mechanism to demonstrate high-level academic achievement while taking a full load of rigorous and challenging courses. Success in this intensive educational scenario (which mimics the demands of professional school) will help you:

  • Improve your academic record
  • Provide evidence of your ability to perform in a professional school scenario
  • Raise your overall qualifications for subsequent professional school applications

Our students have seen an increase in their overall MCAT scores and an average of a 1.5 increase in their biological sciences scores. Students with an MBS degree have also pursued careers not related to professional school, including clinical research, university teaching, cardiac rehabilitation, research at the NIH, and Ph.D. programs.

A History of Helping Professional School Applicants

Past MBS students have earned interviews and/or acceptances at the following schools:

  • University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine
  • Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
  • Creighton University School of Medicine
  • Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
  • Loma Linda School of Dentistry
  • Texas Wesleyan Graduate Program in Nurse Anesthesia
  • University of California Irvine School of Medicine
  • The Commonwealth Medical College
  • Roseman University Health College of Dental Medicine
  • Western University of Health Sciences
  • Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine
  • Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine
  • A.T. Still University of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health
  • University of Texas Health Science Center School of Dentistry
  • Midwestern University College of Veterinary Medicine

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Delivered Fully Online

The Biomedical Science MBS program is specifically designed to improve or expand a post-graduate student's overall scholastic credentials. The program will provide a foundation in basic biology that underlies and supports medicine and therefore provides a strong framework for professional school preparation.

  • This program features an intensive course load completed in two semesters.
  • Students in the online delivery will complete 30 credit hours and are required to pass a comprehensive exam.
  • You will be enrolled in each course alongside students who are taking the courses on campus. You will view classroom session recordings and take part in online activities with other online and on-campus students.

Coursework (30 Credit Hours)

To see a typical list of courses by term, visit an example Current Students page for this program.

For full program requirement details, see the official program listing in the UNC Graduate Catalog. Please note: the online delivery offers a specific set of the elective courses that all program students will take.

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