Applying to this Administrator Licensure Program


Get Started â€“ Any Term

Students can begin this fully online program any term, though which courses you need for completion of the licensure may impact which term you begin.

Recommended Application Deadlines

For the best possible admission, enrollment and orientation experience, we recommend that you complete your application by these dates, which are approximately 60 days before the start of each term:

  • Summer term: March 15
  • Fall term: June 15
  • Spring term: Nov. 15

You can still apply after these dates, but if the date has passed please contact the Admissions Coach for support to apply and begin classes in the upcoming term. View the UNC Academic Calendar for the start dates for upcoming terms.

Application Process

U.S. applicants (outside of Colorado) for online programs: please be sure to check your eligibility by state of residence.

Thank you for your interest in this UNC program! The application process and necessary forms are available on the department web pages:


On the application, choose the following program:

  • Licensure: Administrator Endorsement