An Online Science Education Master's Degree

Designed for Working Teachers

The Science Education Master of Arts program is tailored for practicing teachers and is recognized by U.S. News and World Report as a Best Online Master's in Education Program. This degree is delivered online, making it flexible and convenient to attend around your schedule. Practicing teachers can obtain the degree in two years.

The goal of this master's program is to enhance your science and pedagogical knowledge for science teaching in the K-12 environment. The program includes an action research component, enabling you to test new techniques in your own classroom and evaluate the outcomes.

This program offers scholarships and part-time summer graduate assistantships to support you as you learn. See Financial Aid info in the Costs & Aid tab below for details.

Career Advancement

You will gain expertise in inquiry-focused teaching strategies, build understanding of diverse learners, develop strategies to reflect upon how your teaching impacts your K-12 students, experience challenging graduate-level science courses to improve your knowledge for the curriculum needs of your profession, and move yourself up your district salary scale.

Teach Dual Enrollment & College-Level Courses

You can choose electives from a variety of STEM content areas to tailor the degree to your own interest and personal objectives. But if you complete 18 credit hours of either Biology (BIO) or Earch Science (ESCI) coursework, you will meet the requirements (master's degree and content expertise) for teaching college-level courses in your chosen topic, including concurrent/dual enrollment courses (in which students earn both high school and college credit in the same course).

Elementary student in science class looking into microscope

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Delivered Fully Online

The online delivery provides convenient access for educators to attend from anywhere. Some courses will include weekly synchronous (scheduled) course sessions, where instructors and students "meet" online at the same time.

Coursework (30 Credit Hours)

For an example of upcoming courses, visit the Current Students page for this program.

For full program requirement details, see the official program listing in the UNC Graduate Catalog.

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